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Trends School performances MAC Children

after final (third) term, December 2019

Trends Primary school performances P1-P6

From January 2017 the children went to school as full-fledged children, with uniforms, books and pens. In April 2018 the library was opened. In the weekends and holidays the children can study there with their own text books. While in 2016 the children went to12 different primary schools, this was reduced in 2018  to only 5 different schools. In 2019 128 children of the community received uniforms and school materials from the project to go to the primary school.


At the end of every Term (3 terms a year) a child gets a report with the Marks obtained and the Ranking in the class (total P1, total P2 etc) e.g. nr. 10 out of 80 children or 15 out of 56 children.

Used fata for the graphs of the Primary Schools

Data for 2016: 83 children

Data for 1st term  2017:    94 children

Data for 2nd term 2017:  103 children

Data for 3rd term  2017:    97 children

​Data for 1st term  2018:   135 children (+ 26 in P6/7)

​Data for 2nd term 2018:   131 children (+ 26 in P6/7)

Data for 3rd term 2018:    116 children (+20 in P6/P7)

Data for 2019:                  109 children (+19 in P6/P7 Buw)

Explanation of the Graph "Ranking"

If a child has a ranking 22nd out of 100 children it gets a score of 100 – 22 = 78 in the graph, a ranking 15 out of 30 children gives a score of 50 (halfway the class)

The graph below shows clearly that the average ranking scores of the MAC children are better than non-MAC children and that there is clearly rising line from the end of 2016. However, in some classes there is a large number of MAC children, this makes it difficult to improve the ranking performance. They are more competing amongst themselves.

Explanation of the Graph "Marks obtained"

For every subject a child can get a maximum of 100 marks.

If there are 5 subjects and a child has a score of 350 Marks he or she has a score of 70% in the graph.


The performance of the children has improved a little again.

1-AVG ranking all PS children 3rd 2019.j
2-AVG marks achieved all children PS 3rd

Trends Buwolomera Primary school performances, P6-P7

P6 and P7 students of this school (19 children) get the same rating system as used at the Secondary schools.

The lower the score, the better the performance.

The P7 results aare not yet available, but for P6 the results are very good, All children have a DIV ONE grade

3-AVG marks achieved P6 Buwolemera PS 3r

The lower the score,

the better the performance.

Trends Secondary school (S1-S4) performances

For the S4 students, the results will only be available next year.


The graph of the last term of 2019 shows the results of St. Mathias: 34 students (S1-S3) Comprehensive SS: 10 students (S2,S3)

4-AVG marks St mathias SS all classes 3r
5-AVG marks Comprehensive SS all classes
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