Mawagala Aids Care (MAC) - Uganda
AIDS/HIV Awareness
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS, for those that were tested HIV positive, we encourage them to properly administer Ant- retrieval drugs(ARVs) and we do home visiting to follow up the progress of recovery of members living with HIV/AIDS.
Sensitization and mobilization of members to create awareness about the dangers of contracting HIV/AIDS.
To provide palliative care to HIV/AIDS patients, widows, elderly orphans and vulnerable children.
We teach the communities in our district on how to respond to those that are infected and affected by the virus and also encourage positive living through artwork.
We provide counseling, home visiting and care for HIV/AIDS patients, orphans and vulnerable children through advocacy, education and health by giving out mosquito nets, food, paraffin, sugar, laundry washing soap, clothes etc

AIDS/HIV awareness campaigns and sensitization,
Mawagala Village

Home visiting

Acting plays to disseminate information on HIV/AIDS to the audience on the 15 year MAC celebration

March 2017: Giving out home requirements: mosquito nets, bed sheets, plates, cups and brackets.

Christmas 2016: Giving out Clothes, soap, vaseline, salt, sugar, paraffin, food, oil, tea leaves.